
How Bloomer Middle School Transformed Behavior Management

Wamide Animashaun
Jan 24, 2024
2 mins read

A culture shift is underway at Bloomer Middle School, where a small change in mindset has sparked a big change in student behavior.

In a recent podcast, Principal Rhonda Herrick, Seventh Grade Teacher Ben Bailing, and Behavior Support Specialist Angie Raymond shed light on their journey from traditional discipline to embracing positive reinforcement.

Behavior management has traditionally focused on rules and the consequences of not following those rules. At Bloomer, it's not just about rules anymore—it's about cultivating a culture of encouragement and growth. Join us as we uncover how positivity is reshaping Bloomer Middle School.

“It’s shifted the whole atmosphere, certainly the culture among our students." - Rhonda Herrick, Principal Bloomer Middle School

What is Positive Reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement is a method of behavior management that involves offering rewards or praise to encourage desired behavior. It operates on the principle that when a positive stimulus is presented after a behavior, that behavior is more likely to be repeated in the future.

This approach focuses on acknowledging and rewarding students for their positive actions rather than relying on punitive measures for undesired behavior. At Bloomer Middle School, positive reinforcement is more than just a strategy—it's a philosophy that shapes their entire approach to behavior management.

It's about celebrating progress and growth, whether it's through verbal praise, tangible rewards, or other forms of recognition. Positive reinforcement isn't just a tool—it's the foundation of a nurturing and empowering learning environment.

"Before, it was more of a punitive system... now it's more about building relationships and praising students for what they're doing well." - Ben Bailing, Seventh Grade Teacher Bloomer Middle School

Implementing a Positive Reinforcement Approach

At Bloomer Middle School, the implementation of behavior management took shape through a classic system: the punch card. Traditionally, students received punches for misbehavior, leading to predetermined consequences.

Under this system, students received punch cards weekly, each containing five circles representing potential infractions. Teachers would physically punch these cards for misbehavior, while the back outlined consequences for losing punches.

While some incentives were in place for maintaining a clean card, the system's administration proved time-consuming and overly punitive. It often overlooked positive actions. Recognizing the need for a shift, Bloomer adopted LiveSchool, a comprehensive behavior-tracking platform.

LiveSchool allowed teachers to acknowledge and reward positive behaviors in real-time, earning students points redeemable for incentives like Uber by a Principal or special seating choices.

This transformation wasn't just about replacing one system with another; it represented a fundamental change in mindset. Rather than focusing solely on consequences for negative behavior, teachers now had the tools to actively reinforce positive actions.

LiveSchool enabled them to track student progress, celebrate achievements, and foster a culture of encouragement. By leveraging technology to amplify positive reinforcement, Bloomer Middle School created a more inclusive and supportive environment, where every student's contributions are valued and recognized.

"It's cut down on some of those power struggles with staff and students."-Ben Bailing, 7th grade teacher at Bloomer Middle School

The Benefits of Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement at Bloomer Middle School has brought about significant benefits across the board. Shifting the focus from punishment to celebration has led to a tangible improvement in student behavior and the overall school atmosphere.

One notable advantage is the creation of a supportive and inclusive learning environment. When students receive recognition and rewards for their positive actions, they feel valued and motivated to excel academically and behaviorally. This fosters a sense of belonging and encourages them to actively participate in school life.

Additionally, positive reinforcement strengthens the bond between students and educators. Teachers become mentors rather than just enforcers of rules, fostering trust and respect in the classroom.

This approach teaches students essential life skills such as self-discipline and empathy. By experiencing the direct link between their actions and positive outcomes, students learn the value of personal responsibility and the impact of their behavior on themselves and others.

In essence, positive reinforcement has not only improved behavior management but has also cultivated a more cohesive and supportive school community at Bloomer Middle School.

"Live school has enabled us to do it all at an even higher level. Now, we can reach our kids and praise them and show them the good that they're doing." - Rhonda Herrick, Principal Bloomer Middle School

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